Excellent for massage therapists and all manner of healers!
The following essences are included in the Practitioner's Set.
They are available individually for $15 for a 1/2 oz. bottle,
$22.50 for a 1 oz. bottle, or as a full set of 21 1/2 oz. bottles
at a 25% savings for $236.25.
Aura Blue
Aura Flame
Clear Star
Clear Tone
Crystal Clear
Fire Clear
Golden Light
Orange Chalice
Pink Angel
Silver Genie
Silvery Moon
Soul Star
Spirit Ground
Stands Alone
White Light
White Spring
The following directory, a practical tool for use of the essences, cites their multiple effects from physical to spiritual.
Instructions: Pass your pendulum through the client's aura/energy field from bottom to top. Test with a pendulum which essence or essences are appropriate (other dowsing techniques may be used by those proficient in them). Then test for what order is best to apply them—and line up the bottles accordingly. Before you apply each essence, test which chakra or chakras to apply it into. Put a few drops of the essence in the palm of your hand and rub both palms together lightly. Apply the essence to the chakra/s by holding your palms about 4 to 6 inches from the client's body for 10 seconds or so. One may also simply draw ones essence-laden palms slowly through the client's aura from top to bottom or vice versa. The essence transfers instantly into the energy field via evaporation, creating a powerful yet gentle therapeutic effect.
Anyone capable of simple dowsing can choose and apply essences.
The purpose of the Practitioners' Set is multi-level healing of all kinds. Various of these essences can be used 1) to clear the auric field of human beings, and animals, 2) to clear crystals/minerals/jewelry, 3) to charge crystals/be applied via crystal, and 4) to clear rooms/workplaces/buildings.
Note: Petaltone essences are for external use only, to be applied via evaporation! Store away from children! Store away from internal-use products!
Note: Do not use when you or client is under the influence of alcohol.
General Use: Spiritual healing. Positive futures.
Elements: Earth 100%, Fire 100%, Ether 100%.
Colors: Blue 75%, Indigo 100%, Violet 95%, White 98%, Silver 95%.
Physical level: Soothes nervous system. May assist with underlying causes of Parkinson’s disease, cancer.
Emotional level: Releases suppressed positive emotion.
Mental level: Grounds mental energies, structuring.
Etheric level: Releases blocks in energy flow. Heals etheric.
Astral level: Helps clear pathways to the future. Assists with adventurousness.
Note: Do not apply to a physically fragile body! Do not use when you or client is hyper.
General Use: Stamina, fire, anti-depressant, masculine power. Motivation.
Elements: Fire 100%, Ether 75%.
Colors: Red 100%, Orange 85%, Yellow 90%, Green 85%.
Physical level: Assists with lethargy, chronic fatigue.
Mental/Etheric level: Stimulates mental activity. Awakens the sluggish mind. Re-energizes depleted etheric. Best used when fully awake rather than toward the end of the day.
Psychic level: Purifying. Energizes depleted chakras. Use with fire-oriented cleansing processes.
Creative level: Masculine aspect, physical level, motivation.
Spiritual level: Positive self-belief, connection with higher self. Breaks down kundalini blocks.
Polarity: Heals low energy, masculine aspect.
Crystals: Can be applied via crystal. Awakens masculine aspect. Crystal can become a wand for catabolic operations, or a flame for the removal of negative energies. Clears the fire meridians.
General Use: Clears negative thought forms.
Elements: Earth 90%, Air 75%, Fire 100%, Water 75%.
Colors: Yellow 10%, Green 25%, Blue 100%.
Physical level: Assists with breathing problems.
Mental level: Freedom of thought. Helps those who feel stifled. Enthusiasm.
Etheric level: Breaks down negative thought forms: powerfully effective.
Creative level: Removal of creative blocks, assists with creative stamina. The strength to go on.
Sexual level: Clears self-demeaning attitudes.
Buildings: Can be used to clear out negative thought forms (use plant mister).
Note: Do not use when you or client is angry or over-stressed.
General Use: Assists with psychic attack, clearing, revitalizing.
Elements: Water 30%, Fire 75%.
Colors: Red 100%, Orange 100%, Yellow 100%, Green 90%.
Emotional level: Helps in de-cording, especially with negative ties.
Revitalizes depleted energy. Eases frustration, assists those too laid back. Helps
attract a mate/partner.
Psychic level: Assists with psychic attack, fends off negativity, protects auric field. Cuts ties.
Spiritual level: Releases blocks on very deep levels. Assists with acceptance.
Crystals: Can be applied via crystal.
General Use: Breaks down outmoded structures. Clears dark emotions. Jealousy.
Elements: Earth 100%, Air 25%, Fire 95%, Water 100%, Ether 25%.
Colors: Orange 10%, Yellow 25%, Green 75%, Blue 100%, Pink 100%.
Mental level: Assists mental clarity.
Emotional level: Clears darker emotions, hate, jealousy, anger, depression, etc. Clears fear of ones own power, breaks down structures holding negative energy patterns.
Creative level: Removal of outmoded creative approaches. Frees energies stuck in old creative patterns.
Polarity: Clears blocks in masculine energy, as well as fears from past abuse by males and of males.
Crystals: Clears crystals very well.
Buildings: Cleanses atmospheres. Affects fire and water elementals.
General Use: Cleansing etheric, tie-cutting.
Elements: Earth 100%, Fire 50%, Water 25%, Ether 75%.
Colors: Green 25%, Blue 60%, Indigo 100%.
Mental/Etheric level: Excellent cleanser. Clears negative thought forms. Use in sequence with Aura Blue.
Astral level: Cleanses negative energies via fire element. De-energizes negative astral entities, cuts negative ties generally.
Spiritual level: Can be used to purify negative dharma; wards off misfortune.
Creative level: Assists with higher inspiration.
Polarity level: Masculine aspect: assertiveness.
Crystals: Can be used via crystals: Especially useful for dispersing negative thought forms.
General use: This amazing essence cleanses crystals/minerals, precious and semi-precious stones, clears negative energies from rooms and buildings, clears the human energy field, and can be used with animals. Google the term “minerals.” There you will find a list of 4,500+ substances, everything from agates and gold to diamonds and rubies—all can be cleared with Crystal Clear.
Elements: Earth 100%, Air 77%.
Colors: Orange 3%, Yellow 25%, Green 80%, Blue 90%, Indigo 100%.
Physical level: Helps strengthen heart. Assists with hay fever, cancer, tumors, boils, spots, aeration of the body.
Emotional and Astral levels: Releases chakra blocks and negative emotions relating to current lifetime, seals aura against negative invasion. Cleanses lower-mid astral.
Psychic level: Bridges gap between the psychic and the spiritual (use in 7th chakra).
Physical protection: Can be used in the bath (a few drops).
Spiritual level: Connects psychic to spiritual. Encourages existing aspirations.
Creativity level: Assists in the expansion of creative vision. Direction and goals.
Polarity: Powerful boost for the masculine aspect of both men and women (use in 7th chakra).
Buildings: Clears negative energies from rooms and buildings.
Crystals: Cleanses these beautifully. Can also erase their programs when used with this intent. Hence, be crystal clear!
Instructions: To clear the auric field, put a few drops on one palm, rub palms together, and evaporate from 4 to 6 inches away from the body into selected chakras, or draw hands through the auric field from bottom to top or vice versa. One can also use a few drops in a bath.
To cleanse crystals/minerals, evaporate a few drops into them from a close distance with your palms, or soak in water with a few drops for 30 minutes. A spray can be used to clear many crystals at once. The term "mineral" includes precious and semi-precious stones. Hence, one can clear crystals, stones, rock collections, and jewelry.
To clear buildings/spaces/workplaces, use a plant mister half full of water. A large spray bottle is best, such as the size used to spray plants. Fill about 1/3 with water and add 3–4 drops of Crystal Clear per 2/3 cup (100–150 ml) of water. (When necessary, switch off/cover electrical equipment.) Then spray high up into the corners of the space and all around. Notice the difference!!
It is best to refresh a spray bottle daily; once you determine how much you need, you can make up just the right amount. A 30 ml bottle of essence lasts for numerous treatments.
General Use: A clearing essence.
Elements: Fire 100%.
Colors: Red 94%, Orange 55%, Yellow 70%, Green 100%, Blue 100%, Indigo 93%, Violet 100%, Pink 60%.
Physical level: Debility. Energy boost, chronic fatigue. Old Age. Cold sweat, rashes, and burns. Clears liver (when the liver is strong), cancer.
Emotional level: Releases suppressed anger. Fear issues (eg., fear of death, flying, reality, success). Motivation and enthusiasm.
Sexual level: Helps shift deep-rooted sexual problems/blocks. Can be used to assist tantric energies by raising energy level.
Spiritual level: Clears negativity, releases blockages concerned with group work. Helps bring a non-aware person toward the spiritual path. Energies of Geburah.
Crystals: Can be applied via crystals.
General Use: Bathes aura in golden light.
Elements: Earth 95%, Air 95%, Water 100%, Ether 100%.
Colors: Orange 100%, Yellow 90%, Green 90%, Gold 100%, Silver 70%.
Physical level: Bruising, blood problems, cholesterol, bad circulation, urinary disorders (not infections), weak bladder.
Emotional level: Transmutation of lower emotions. Over-emotional. Flowering, growth. Contacting higher level emotions.
Psychic level: Decording, unhooking from people and past.
Spiritual level: Unconditional love, growth, flowering, setting foot on spiritual path, links with spiritual teachers. Adds beautiful golden energies to whole energy field.
Crystals: Cleanses and bathes them in golden light. Prepares crystals for healing work.
General Use: Positive self-image. Clears depression. Beauty. Birth.
Elements: Earth 90%, Fire 88%, Water 86%, Air 90%, Ether 96%.
Colors: Red 90%, Orange 90%, Yellow 80%, Green 90%, Blue 50%, Pink 85%, Indigo 100%, Violet 87%, Gold 87%.
Physical level: Assists clearing of liver. Useful in pregnancy. Emotional level: Positive self-image, clears self-demeaning emotions, self-expression blocks, depression. Clears heart center.
Astral level: Opens astral doorways. Clears some negativity at this level.
Psychic level: Assists flow of healing energies.
Sexual level: Appreciation of beauty. Heart center openness.
Creative level: Completion phase of the creative cycle.
Polarity: Strengthens feminine aspect.
Buildings: Clears atmospheres of depression.
Crystals: Can be applied via crystals and other minerals that test to do so.
Birth: Assists when giving birth; helps the incoming soul to have a less traumatic arrival.
General Use: Compassion, accepting the support of others.
Elements: Earth 100%, Fire 88%, Water 86%, Air 90%, Ether 96%.
Emotional level: Unconditional love of oneself and others. Receptivity to compassion. Relating to ones own vulnerability. Relaxation.
Sexual level: Female sexual identity. Gay males; balance and polarity.
Spiritual level: Unconditional love, self-acceptance.
Crystals: Can be applied via a crystal, which will also be healed by this essence.
General Use: Aligning to Divine Will.
Elements: Fire 5–20%, Water 75%, Air 75%, Air 25%, Ether 100%.
Colors: Red 100%, Orange 100%, Yellow 100%.
Emotional level: Helps establish boundaries in relationships. Self-demeaning emotions. Shock (use in 7th chakra).
Mental level: Issues related to the will. Weak-willed/strong-willed.
Spiritual level: Helps align will to Divine Will!
Helps receiving of spiritual guidance. Assists feminine aspect of the spiritual (chalice).
Crystals: Helps heal crystals that have been misused. Increases level of compassion that crystal can conduct and transmit.
General Use: Emotional healing. Compassion.
Elements: Earth 100%, Water 100%.
Colors: Red 100%, Yellow 70%, Pink 100%.
Physical level: Wounds, boils, spots, kidney disorders. Emotional level: Heals wounds, broken hearts, wounded healers. Also karmic wounds. Assists those who do not realize their own worth.
Mental level: Clarity of thought, innovative thought, inspiration.
Psychic level: Generally assists development of psychic faculties. Access of Akashic records of persons/buildings.
Creative level: Opens to true worth, to higher octaves of creativity. Assists birth and structuring of creative ideas.
Crystals: Charges crystals with the above properties, and can be applied in this way. Heals the crystal too.
General Use: Release of blocks.
Elements: Earth 100%, Air 100%, Water 100%.
Colors: Blue 80%, Silver 50%.
Physical level: Blood health, congested arteries, lymphatic system, oxygenation, energy from breath, impotence.
Emotional level: Release of deep-seated emotions (possibly from deep past)—eg., guilt, grief, terror, hatred, shame, regret; also works with rigidity. General heart chakra and emotional expression. This essence is particularly subject to the intention of the user. Good for those born under Libra.
Mental level: Assertiveness and development of the will. Communication skills,
Sexual level: Deep blocks. Impotence.
Psychic level: Very good protection. Seems to work by awakening personal Spirit Protector.
Astral level: Helps with dreams and dream-memory, symbolism, and protection.
Buildings: Use Crystal Clear first, then use a few drops of Release in plant mister to awaken Spirit Protector of building/place.
General Use: Mental structure, business, discipline. Dreams. Fears.
Elements: Earth 90%, Water 97%, Ether 96%.
Colors: Green 40%, Blue 100%, Indigo 100%, Violet 100%, Gold 100%, Silver 100%.
Physical level: Leukemia, bone problems, growing bones. Diseases of nervous system. Cools fevers, soothes nerves. Womb health, kidneys.
Emotional level: Helps relationships between individuals and group members. Physical defensiveness. Nurturing, release of tears. Deep seated blocks about money. Victim, child abuse, negative female archetype problems.
Sexual level: Releases sexual blocks. Sexual shyness. Magnetism.
Subconscious level: Fears: of the unknown, subconscious fears. Helps bring out hidden intent (use in 3rd and 5th chakras). Fear of masculine tyranny. Fear of the dark. Drug abuse (LSD/cocaine). Assists general access to subconscious and helps deal with it.
Mental level: Mental laziness. Assists generally with business, management, mental structural processes. Analysis, science, esoteric disciplines and studies (eg., numerology, astrology). Blocks about money. Passing exams. Academia.
Psychic level: Mindreading (use in 2nd, 3rd, and 5th chakras). Realms of Anubis and Isis.
Dreams: helps to deal with issues in dreams. Ask questions before sleep and dream the answers, protection in dreams (use in 2nd chakra before sleep). Dowsing and intuition.
Creative level: Assists the RECEIVING phase of the creative cycle, and to accept the rewards of work done. Group work/play.
Spiritual level: Mental side of spiritual discipline, grounding spiritual energies. Providing structures for energies to flow through.
Crystals: Telepathy by crystals. Crystal "answerphones". Charges crystals with the essence’s properties and can be applied this way. Helps heal a physically damaged crystal. Intercommunication of crystals.
General Use: Sleeping/dream problems.
Elements: Earth 75%, Fire 95%, Ether 100%.
Colors: Green 80%, Silver 100%.
Emotional level: Contacting feelings/emotions. Clears anger. Image-related issues. Assists in projecting one’s real self instead of an image.
Sexual level: Assists with image issues.
Psychic and Astral levels: Feminine aspect, waxing moon, full moon, scrying. Helps dream work, finding astral pathways, astral projection and protection (via silver light). Dream memory, the realms of Anubis. Sphere of Yesod. Clears negative psychic influence. Helps understanding of reflection symbolism.
Crystals: Cleanses crystals beautifully: put a few drops in water, soak crystals for a few minutes.
General: Connection to Guidance. Can be used after Crystal Clear to CHARGE crystals with powerful healing energies. Evaporate a few drops into crystals or add a few drops to water.
Elements: Earth 100%, Fire 50%, Ether 80%.
Colors: Green 5%, Blue 35%, Indigo 100%, Violet 100%,White 95%, Pink 75%.
Physical level: Assists with energizing.
Emotional and Astral level: Disperses depression and self-demeaning emotions. Assists to prevent nightmares. Connects to the higher astral, closes doors to the lower astral. Assists contact with the Angelic realms and more spiritualized aspects of the astral.
Sexual level: Enhances spiritual connections between partners.
Spiritual level: Awakens contact with higher self. GUIDANCE!
Polarity: Boosts the masculine aspect in both sexes.
Crystals: Charges crystals very powerfully with healing energy.
General Use: Grounding.
Elements: Earth 90%, Fire 100%, Water 95%.
Colors: Red 100%, Orange 90%.
Physical levels: Assists: Low energy, chronic fatigue, bad circulation, arthritis, rheumatism; strengthens heart and arteries/veins. Loss of blood, period pains, leukemia, new blood cells, prostate gland.
Emotional level: Assertiveness, self image. Victim syndrome, victims of sexual abuse (this lifetime), violence. Suicidal tendencies. Release of anger. Post-natal depression (use in 4th chakra). De-cording (strong ties).
Bereavement. Sense of brotherhood/family. Humor. -
Sexual level: Assists with male...
Creativity level: Grounding of ideas into form and structure in the world. Good for creative artists generally.
Spiritual level: Fear of one’s own power/giving power away (use in 1st and 12th chakras). Contacting the Fire Elementals. Spiritual energies grounding to earth level. Enhances sense of brotherhood of man. Humor!
Crystals: Will imbue crystal with the above properties.
General Use: Maintain individuality whilst with the crowd. Valuing personal uniqueness. Regression.
Elements: Air 90%, Water 100%.
Colors: Violet (Pale Violet) 100%.
Physical level: Air in bloodstream. Endocrine system. Some malfunctioning glands. Benign tumors, stones, blisters, and chilblains. Strengthens heart.
Spiritual level: Assists maintaining spiritual center while with the masses. Helps cope with lonely aspects of the spiritual path.
Feminine aspect: receptivity without weakness. Strengthens aura. Aids regression and access of Akashic records. Helps one to find spiritual path.
Crystals: Crystals will take on some of the properties of this essence.
General Use: High-level purification. Mix with other essences to bring out higher octaves of these.
Elements: Fire 25%, Water 90%, Ether 80%.
Colors: Green 100%, Blue 80%, Violet 100%, Indigo 95%.
Physical level: Clearance, liver.
Mental/etheric level: Destroys negative etheric energies. Good for positive thought.
Spiritual level: High-level purification. Higher chakras.
Polarity: Enhances feminine aspect.
Creative level: Clears blocks.
Crystals: Can be applied via crystals. Cleanses these also.
General Use: Pure energy source. Recharges energies.
Elements: Air 75%, Water 25%.
Colors: Indigo 100%, Violet 100%+, White 100%, Pink 90%.
Physical level: Energizes. Chronic fatigue. Debility.
Emotional level: Emotional exhaustion.
Mental/Etheric levels: Mental fatigue, charges depleted etheric.
Psychic level: Gives extra strength before psychic activities (use in 3rd chakra).
Sexual level: Replaces depleted energy centers (by 25%).
Spiritual level: Assists the ‘casting off of old clothes’. Assists one to become more open to the spiritual.
Crystals: Can be applied via crystals. Will also clear and charge them with healing/love energies.
DISCLAIMER: This information is for reference only, and represents information we have been given from spiritual sources regarding use of Petaltone Essences. There is no medical evidence available to support it and therefore we make no claims as to its validity in the treatment of any condition or illness.
Petaltone essences are for external use only, to be applied via evaporation. Store away from children! Store away from internal-use products!